Sunday, July 23, 2023

Spring 2023 Competition Winners!




The Comeback Player by Sharron Miller 
A football star at the height of his career goes down with a life changing injury. As he tries to get back on the field, he have to deal with family issues off the field.
Unconditional by Joely Hurkman

Tag along with Laura and Marie as they enjoy the spring weather and the added thrills of roller-skating. Against her mom's warning to play safe, Laura attempts to conquer the local park's broken-down, rickety old bridge - only to end up landing flat on her back.

A parent's warning is usually ignored, but no matter how hard and often they fall down, Laura and Marie learn that a mother's love is unconditional and that she'll always be there to pick them up.

Kollegiate Kareers by Brenden Torres
 Levi and his best friend Derek embark on the adventures of college life and its ups and downs as they explore their new-found freedom with new friends, enemies, and professors alike.

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